An Infinity of Wishes

Spooky Special - Part 3: Truths Revealed

In the third and final installment of this special three-shot, our intrepid group of adventurers go head to head with a small but formidable foe. Klarich faces off against a bookcase, Void gets chest punched by a ghost, and the group is forced to take sides in some complicated family drama. Will the party ever find the Athame? And more importantly, will they be able to escape Rubian Manor with their lives?

Please follow us on social media - @AnInfinityofWishes on instagram, @OmniApeiria on twitter, and check out our facebook group, Cartographers of the Endless Mountain.

Module for this one shot comes from Haunted Mountain Tabletop and completely doesn't belong to us. Music is from Tabletop Audio, minus the theme song, which is all ours.